A campaign to ensure that each Missourian leaving incarceration is provided with a State ID so that they can successfully restart their lives.

We have been working with the Missouri Department of Corrections to improve the process of providing Missouri photo IDs, birth certificates, and social security cards to each person released from Missouri DOC custody. Please share with service providers and individuals released from the Missouri Department of Corrections on or after July 1, 2023.

We want to hear about experiences with getting (or not getting) these documents!


  • In order for reentering Missourians to restart and then maintain a sustaining life they need to be able to readily access employment, housing, and substance use treatment. All of which require State IDs. By not providing reentering Missourians with IDs we are setting them up for failure.

  • To start, proof of address is required to obtain an ID. It is likely that at least a fifth of the reentering individuals lack that proof given that 22% of them lacked stable housing prior to arrest (per the latest Bureau of Justice Statistics report in 2016). And individuals are often unlikely to have proof of address upon reentry. According to a study by Harvard about half will return to their families. However, they are not likely to show up on the leases and utility bills due to their incarceration. And those that don’t have families to turn to couch surf, live in shelters, and other forms of unstable and temporary housing - completely lacking residences.

    If a client does have proof of address, great. However, that is only part of the battle. They also need to have a birth certificate and social security card. Too many in incarceration do not have access to those documents due to the turmoil in their life. The process of obtaining a birth certificate and social security card can take months. In addition, the cost to obtain a birth certificate in Missouri is $15. It might not sound like a lot but that is a fee many reentering citizens cannot afford.

  • After an initial refusal to meet, we were able to secure a meeting with the Department of Corrections by sending them a detailed letter signed by 24 organizations across the state outlining our concerns. During the meeting, DOC gave careful and detailed responses on how they plan on finally establishing a comprehensive program to ensure that everyone leaving their custody receives a State ID. We are cautiously optimistic and hopeful that this time they will actually oversee the program in a competent manner. We have a follow up meeting with the DOC in March to ensure that they are moving with the speed and commitment needed and we are ready to pursue a legislative solution if needed.

  • 20 states have already enacted legislation mandating that IDs be provided upon re-entry. It is time for Missouri to join them.

  • Reach out to us at team@showmeafreshstart.org!

Our friends in Kentucky have made a wonderful video about the importance of IDs for reentry. Watch it!