
The materials provided here were developed by the Outreach Program at St. Francis Xavier College Church in St. Louis, Missouri. They bring nearly 30 years of experience running a volunteer-led document access clinic to this collaborative space. Additional materials have been added by the Ashrei Foundation, who began a partnership with St. Francis Xavier in 2022 to pilot a parallel program in North St. Louis City. The materials are shared here freely and with the intent to facilitate statewide collaboration, in hopes that other organizations, congregations and coalitions across Missouri might borrow and adapt these tools to fit local context, aligned in the goal of honoring the dignity of all people in Missouri by expanding access to US birth certificates and Missouri photo identification through logistical and financial assistance.

DPC - Program Statistics by Madeline Powers

Getting Started

In the past year, the Direct Program Committee (formerly Regional Program Support) has hosted various trainings for both individuals and organizations.

Topics range from starting your own ID assistance clinic to training your volunteers to find the right forms to help the people you serve get the documents that they need.

You will find our prerecorded trainings by clicking the link below. If you would like to schedule a live training, please contact

Important Documents

Our ID programs have relied on binders to keep important forms organized and simplify the process for volunteers as they work with people to get their Birth Certificates from any state or their Missouri ID. Please review the “Electronic Binder” for help getting yourself organized as you start your programming.

The electronic binder is organized by document - Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Nondriver ID. At the bottom of the page, you will find editable links to these documents as well as additional guiding start-up documents.

Financial Support for Programs

The Coalition recognizes that IDs provide access to many vital services and radically shape the quality of life for all Missourians. The Coalition supports nongovernmental efforts across the state that are working to expand access to IDs and birth certificates in many ways. The Coalition is currently seeking longer-term funding in order to open additional funding cycles in the future.

The 2024 funds have been allocated but we hope to have more financial assistance available soon. Please keep an eye on the Subgrants page for more information about upcoming funding cycles.